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Where to buy marijuana: It’s not easy to find in the city (CBD) as normally you’d need to know people to be able to get a hookup. try to be low-profile and cool about it if you ask around. Most will point you to the fortitude valley, and you might get lucky there, I never did though, but then again I didn’t try too hard in that area, just a couple of times. but the punks or other similarly outstanding people usually gathered in the queen street mall central area (up from Albert street) may be able to help, also anybody who looks stoned or looks the type may be cool enough to help. That’s all I remember about finding hookups, it’s been almost a year since I’ve had to do it, good luck..
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420aud brings top-shelf marijuana strains to customers. We have selected premium Grade A+ cannabis nugs available from our farm and other trusted growers. Our platform has been made easy to buy weed online for your daily needs.
We hope that you are ready to dive deep into the local Brisbane marijuana and CBD scene right now. Even if purchasing legal marijuana for recreational use may not be possible here at the moment we have plenty of information to share with you in this article.
We would kick this off with the top marijuana dispensaries near you in some of our other guides where adult recreational sales are permitted, but we can’t do that here. As a result, our first section will be dedicated to the best stores to buy glass pipes, bongs, and other pot-smoking items in Brisbane.
Legally Access Cannabis in Queensland
If you want to have legal access to cannabis in Queensland the only way is through the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). You would have to visit a doctor and have a discussion on whether medical marijuana is an appropriate treatment option. This consultation will include cautions such as the risks of driving whilst being treated with a THC product and the many potential negative side effects which may include:
- Fatigue
- Vertigo
- Fever
- Depression
- Dry mouth
- Eye irritation
- Memory impairment
Once you can make an informed decision on the use of medicinal cannabis as a treatment option, the doctor will begin the process of applying for the TGA’s approval. The doctor may not need to apply for approval if they have already been registered as an Authorised Prescriber.
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